For foreigners, Japan has always been notorious for its rather odd brand of beverages and foods that pop up in stores and restaurants from time to time. (And, in Japan, 'from time to time' translates into every single week, it seems like, as trends and fads come and go, rise and fall at the speed of light in these here parts...)
The Teriyaki Mega Mac on sale now at Mcdonald's is one example of how western foods are slightly altered to suit the sensitive, discerning palate of the Japanese market. Gatorade, too, had to scrap its usual array of half-dozen flavors on sale elsewhere and simply settle for a generic, slightly-fruity, mostly cough-syrupy translucent flavor that mimics all the other sports brands on the market. (POCARI SWEAT being the most famous -- and the one with the ickiest name...)
However, at my local dollar-shop the other day, I spotted a cola flavor that takes the cake, hands down, as the least appetizing liquid that I've ever seen advertised, at home or abroad. (And remember that I used to live in Cambodia...)
Ladies and gentleman, I give you:
And it's the colour of a slightly pale Kermit.
Who's up for a round?